-- card: 4022 from stack: in -- bmap block id: 4627 -- flags: 6000 -- background id: 2634 -- name: ----- HyperTalk script ----- on closecard hide card field "help field" end closecard -- part 4 (field) -- low flags: 81 -- high flags: 2007 -- rect: left=26 top=20 right=329 bottom=489 -- title width / last selected line: 0 -- icon id / first selected line: 0 / 0 -- text alignment: 0 -- font id: 3 -- text size: 12 -- style flags: 0 -- line height: 16 -- part name: HELP FIELD ----- HyperTalk script ----- on mouseUp flash set lockScreen to true go back unlock screen with visual effect zoom in end mouseUp -- part contents for background part 71 ----- text ----- 716-264-9107 -- part contents for background part 72 ----- text ----- Mac's Last Stand Node 2 -- part contents for background part 74 ----- text ----- 300,1200,2400,9600 -- part contents for background part 103 ----- text ----- Rochester,NY, USA -- part contents for background part 75 ----- text ----- James VanGeyten -- part contents for background part 86 ----- text ----- 8/89 -- part contents for background part 88 ----- text ----- 11/14/91 -- part contents for card part 4 ----- text ----- • Click anywhere in this field to continue • ŸŸŸ Dialing with White Knight, and this stack ŸŸŸ White Knight must be named exactly that- not White Knight 11.07, or WK, or WK 11.07. Place the Dial1200.PROC, DIAL2400.PROC, and the DIAL9600.PROC in the same folder where you usually keep your White Knight PROCS. Placement of these files is not really important, but do not change the names of them as they come supplied! These PROCS will automatically place a "1" before the number that is to be dialed, in accordance with the way most long-distance phone systems now work. If you do not want a "1" placed before the number to be dialed, you will have to edit the source files to these PROCS, and make the required changes. You also make care to use the source files to create special DIALXX00.PROCs catering to your specialized needs. If you are dialing out with this stack under MultiFinder, make sure that White Knight is not already opened; that is, not already operating in the background. Nothing bad will happen if White Knight is already opened; its just that White Knight will not dial out. If you are just using Finder, you won't have to worry about this ... The first time you attempt to dial with this stack and White Knight, Hypercard will ask you to show it where White Knight is. If the DIALXX00.PROCS are not in the same folder as White Knight, Hypercard will probably also ask you to show it where they are also. This should only occur once, as Hypercard will record those 'paths' to your Home card, where they will be 'remembered' for the next time you dial out with this stack and White Knight. ŸŸŸ Creating text files ŸŸŸ There are 2 buttons for creating text files: "Create the SS List" will create a text file writing all of the fields to a text file, one line per field. If a field is empty, it will not be written to the text file. This keeps the text list shorter, and looking neater. "Create the Tabbed List" will create a text list with each field seperated by a TAB character, and each record (card) seperated by a CARRIAGE RETURN. This tab-seperated list is then suitable for opening in Excel, FileMaker,MS File, or any other program that can handle this kind of data file. ŸŸŸ Searching for characters ŸŸŸ "Search all fields" will prompt you for the characters to search for, and then will display continually the cards that contain those characters. This button will search ALL fields on ALL cards. Click the mouse to stop the serch & display. To search in a specific field, click on the correesponding button. For example, to search for characters only in the fields that contains Sysop names, click on the button "Sysop:". These buttons work similiarly to the "Search All fields" button, except that they only search for characters in the corresponding field on all cards. ŸŸŸ Scan all cards ŸŸŸ This button will display each card for approximately 2-3 seconds, and then move on to the next card. This will continue indefinitely until the mouse button is clicked. ŸŸŸ Sort by Area Code ŸŸŸ This button will sort all cards by the area codes in the phone number field, lowest to highest. Usually, 201 will be the first area code listed, unless there are 'foreign' BBSs listed, which might have numerically lower numers then 201 as the first 3 numbers. ŸŸŸ Other Info ŸŸŸ If this stack is running on a 'classic Mac' with a 9'' screen (such as a Mac Plus or a Mac SE), the MenuBar will be hidden, and the 'message box' will appear near the bottom of the screen. If this stack is run on a Mac with a larger monitor, the MenuBar will not be hidden, and the message box will appear just below the Hypercard window, thus not covering any of the card. If you have any comments on this stack, or you would like to have yours added, ect., please let me know via a message on my BBS, or send a mail message to me on GEnie (GEnie:'J.R.V.G.'). Disclaimer: I have no relationship to Scott Watson or the Freesoft Co.other then being a satisfied customer. • Click anywhere in this field to continue • -- part contents for background part 73 ----- text ----- 24 Hrs -- part contents for background part 76 ----- text ----- Yes -- part contents for background part 77 ----- text ----- Donation for more online time -- part contents for background part 189 ----- text ----- 260/256 Fidonet